

Cock Robin.

6 comentários:

jardinsdeLaura disse...

I remember!;)

shark disse...

I don't. É talvez a minha veia política, não sei...

jardinsdeLaura disse...

I was only referring the words of this song that, as i recall, said:

"I remember the promise you made..."

I still can see her dancing with him playing guitar by her side!

Sorry if I disapointed you! Anyway maybe you're right... I mean maybe it's your political dark side that makes you expect more than you can really take! But don't worry be happy... I am!

jardinsdeLaura disse...

Oh... You gave up so easly! You're maybe right, crazy people are hard to be dealed!! ;) And for the records I was just trying to be funny and just like with everything else... I don't allways succeed! Sorry! See you around!:)

shark disse...

Give up? Eu???
Não estamos em sintonia nesta...

jardinsdeLaura disse...

... me neither! Oh yes we are!!!